Thursday, October 21, 2010

Recent Coco Cake Props!

Flavorpill: top 50 pop culture cakes! Check it out HERE!

Einstein on Cupcakes Take The Cake, view HERE

Einstein cupcakes on "Epicute"... visit HERE!

Thanks everyone for your interest and support! ^_^

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coco Cake On!

Coco Cake was on recently for those cute little wedding apple-themed cupcakes! Cool!

Check it out HERE.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bookish Types Rejoice: Coco Cake Literary Cakes on OH DEE DOH!

I adore the Apartment Therapy suite of excellent blogs. So much to read and so much inspiration. It's a great thrill to be a part of their children's blog, Oh Dee Doh! It's always cool to be blogged about on a blog that I actually read!!!

Visit and read about it HERE!

Thanks so much Carrie for your support of my work!

Lyndsay :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Peacock Cake on Poppytalk!

I heart Jan and the amazing design blog Poppytalk! My peacock themed wedding cake and cupcakes were featured on it! Hooray!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ding Dong! Your Weekly Magazine's Here... with a Big Chinese Face!

Holy Giant Face Bartman! It's LKS, sole proprietor of Coco Cake Cupcakes here in Vancouver, BC! Imagine my sheer terror, getting up early last Thursday morning to retrieve some last minute unsalted butter from the overpriced 24 hr supermarket, seeing my big old mug staring back at me from front stoops and newspaper boxes. Terror... and excitement of course. It's not everyday you get that surreal sort of experience!

HERE is a link to the entire article. The article is about feminist ladies who are revisiting more domestic past-times, "reclaiming" the value in the work and creating small businesses out of them! That's me, feminist lady artisan baker! :)

Pretty cool!! Thanks Andrea from the Westender for your interest in my small cake business and the work that I do!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yay! Coco Cake on great local blog YoYoMama!

Vancouver mamas in the know hit up YoYoMama for all the hot tips... ! And Anne-Marie featured Coco Cake last week, hooray!

Go HERE to view...

Thanks Yoyomama! :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cupcakes Taking The Cake!

Cupcakes Take The Cake
featured Coco Cake's "under the sea" themed cupcakes... ! :) Hooray! Thanks CTTC!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Vancouver Sun!

My mom phoned me at 730 this morning to tell me that HER friend called her to tell her about this... haha... so awesome!

Shortly after my best friend Amy called, to say it wasn't just a small pic of my cupcakes... then my husband called from school to say he just saw it and there was a pic of me too... so I ran out the door to the corner store and bought a few copies to see for myself!

Boy was I SHOCKED to see my hungry caterpillar front and center!! What a great day! It put a real spring in my step on my morning run, too! I was so hyper and excited the hour long run flew by.

Read the online version HERE! The story mentions some great new cupcake businesses that have opened up in the lower mainland!

Thanks so much Mia Stainsby for your interest in Coco Cake! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Wayyyyy!

Too cool! Bon Appetit, a magazine I actually buy, featured the ol' shaggy dog cake that I made on their blog the other day!!! What the!!

Check it out HERE.

Thank you thank you! That made my entire month! :)

xo Lyndsay

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dogs N Stuff

From top to bottom:

My little whale baby shower cake on Elephantine blog

My sheepdog cake and bulldog cupcakes on SuperPunch!

My chocolate ganache flower topped mini cupcakes for an engagement party on Poppytalk!

Sheepdog cake and bulldog cupcakes, on Cupcakes Take The Cake!

Yay! Thanks everyone!

xo Lyndsay

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ebi Cake On

Cool! Dot wrote about my Ebi Cake on

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Squatchi Cupcakes, etc!

Local blog the Vancouverite blogged about Coco Cake HERE!

Lovely Poppytalk mentioned my funny little Squatchi and Oly ring cupcakes on their fabulous blog, read all about it HERE.

and a HEEELarious blog featuring all things Quatchi (a favourite Vancouver 2010 Olympics mascot designed by MEOMI)... featured my cupcakes too! Check it out HERE!

Thank you, j'appreciate beaucoup!! xoxo

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cuteness, Cuteness

I love it when people blog about Coco Cake... smiley times for old L.K.Sung.

So lucky, nerdcakes and more on Cupcakes Take The Cake!

Cute and cool Sam's lovely blog Post Grad Hair Cut...

My old pal JAWS cake on Superpunch! (thanks Paul for the tip)

and a cute little post on the INDIE I DO wedding fair I was in HERE.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What A Happy And Inspiring Day for Coco Cake!!

The wonderful, amazing, inspiring blog CAKESPY posted about meeeeee today!! Click HERE to read the article! I have been a reader and admirer of Cakespy for so long, and I always remember when I got a little blog comment from Cakespy in the early days of Coco Cake Cupcakes, and how encouraging that was for me to keep blogging and doing what I was doing.

Hooray, hooray! Thank you Jessie for featuring me, I'm honoured, stoked, all those things... :)

xo Lyndsay

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009 Most Influential... Meeee???

In the "cupcakes" section, in Poppytalk's 2009 Most Influential... old Coco Cake!!!

Read the whole list HERE.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello Kitty cupcakes plus!

Some more Coco Cake cupcakes featured on the world's biggest and craziest cupcake-crazy website: Cupcakes Take The Cake!

Thanks CTTC once again!! xoxo

and some wacky-times publicity for Coco Cake's positive attitude towards life (and cupcakes) , via a Vancouver news site: the Vancouver Observer!